
Hello world! I’m getting back to quilting!

Getting back to quilting!  What does that mean to you?  For me, it means that I get to try to do something that I have not been able to do for a long time… or quite rarely.  You may wonder why I have a blog that links to videos and Facebook.  Honestly, I was sick for so long that all I could do was lay around.  I joined FB just to be able to know what was going on in the lives of those I knew.  I joined YouTube just to “take mini classes” by watching tutorials.

When I did quilt or craft, I would be in pain the next day.  Arms would be sore from holding them up at the sewing machine.  Headaches would roll out in waves from cocking my head to look at what I was doing.  Shoulders, wrists, knees, and even my elbows would be aching, sore, and possibly put me back in bed.  My goal is to help others like me avoid as much pain as possible and still do something they love.

So lets get back to quilting… together!

Getting back to quilting can be a small start, but it feels so good to accomplish something!

Getting back to quilting can be a small start, but it feels so good to accomplish something!

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Getting Back To Quilting